
Treatment Options & Home Remedies for Spinal Nerve Pain

Treating Spinal Nerve Pain

Spinal nerve pain can be treated, but not all spinal nerve issues will fully resolve, as some nerve damage can be permanent. After diagnosis your doctor will recommend the most suitable treatment measure for you, for both short-term and long-term relief. However, many cases can be treated through one or more of the following methods, here are five treatment options for spinal nerve pain:

Medications or Physical and Occupational Therapy

Medications are great for pain management, but they don’t actively treat the problem. However, medications are ideal if pain is preventing patients from taking part in other treatment techniques. For example, if pain is inhibiting physical therapy routines, medications can help dull the pain while patients do their physical exercises.

Physical therapy is a highly recommended treatment for spinal nerve pain, it will help strengthen spinal structures and shift spinal discs back into a secure location so that they aren’t compressing spinal nerves. Your physical and occupational therapists will decide on which therapeutic exercises [6] are best for your condition. Physical therapy can also free pinched nerves that are causing shooting pain.