
10 Tinnitus Remedies: How to Get Rid of Tinnitus?

Treat the Underlying Causes

The first step to getting rid of tinnitus is to find out the underlying cause and treat it. Tinnitus has a wide range of causes. While some of them are irreversible even with treatment, others can be helped with treatment.

If your tinnitus is caused by ear blockage or ear infection, you can get rid of your symptoms by removing the blockage or treating your ear infection. Prompt treatment of ear infections is important to avoid any long-lasting damage.

You can reverse tinnitus caused by most ototoxic medications by stopping the medication [3]. Some drugs will cause irreversible damage, but many only cause temporary damage to the ears.

You can also treat tinnitus by fixing issues with your temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Tinnitus caused by TMJ problems often disappears once the problem has been resolved.