
10 Tinnitus Remedies: How to Get Rid of Tinnitus?

Customized Sound Therapy and Tinnitus Retraining Therapy

Customized Sound Therapy involves the use of special sound-masking devices that play sounds customized to fit your tinnitus. Unlike regular sound therapy or standard sound-masking devices, the effects of this therapy are more long-lasting.

You only need to use the device from time to time and the benefits remain for a while after you turn off the sound. This therapy can also induce long-term improvement in the severity of your tinnitus. A recent study found [6] that customized sounds may be more effective at relieving tinnitus than broadband noise.

Often shortened to TRT, tinnitus retraining therapy involves retraining your ears to accept the ringing [7] in your ears as natural. TRT is often administered by a qualified professional with the aid of a sound-masking machine.

Studies show that this therapy helps around 80 percent of people with this condition. Success with TRT often depends on the severity of the ringing and their mental state.