
10 Possible Causes of Shoulder Blade Pain


The scapula, also known as the shoulder blade, is a big flat triangular bone that lies midway up your back. Every human has two scapulas on each side of your back. A network of muscles are attached to the scapula. These muscles help move the arms and shoulder joints. Any injury or disease that affects the muscles around the scapula may change the position of the scapula. The alteration in the motion or position of the scapula is known as dyskinesia. It is the most common cause of shoulder blade pain.

In some cases, shoulder blade pain may occur due to more serious conditions, such as cancer, blood clot, or heart attack. It would help to contact a medical doctor for a diagnosis if you experience severe or sudden pain in your shoulder.

According to studies, people with shoulder blade pain may present with the following symptoms:

  • Pain, which may feel dull or sharp, around the scapula
  • Weakness in the affected arm, especially when try to do overhead movements
  • A limited range of motion that makes it hard for you to lift your arm above your shoulder.
  • A snapping sound when you move your shoulder
  • A visible projection of the scapula, known as “winging”
  • A tilted posture on your affected side

Pain around the shoulder blade may occur due to certain factors. The severity of the condition depends on the cause. Let’s take a look at 10 common causes of shoulder blade pain.