
Everything You Should Know About Scabies Causes

What Causes Scabies?

Primarily scabies is caused by an eight-legged mite that can barely be seen with naked eyes. The infestation of the mite on the skin is what causes scabies. The scabies mites do not fly or jump but crawl. Another thing to know about the mite is that they cannot move at temperatures below 20-degree Celsius, although they may still survive but stay immobile.

Scabies infestation is widespread and occurs worldwide. Scabies can affect anyone of any age, gender, or race. It is estimated that there are over 300 million cases of scabies each year throughout the world. The record has proven that scabies occurs in epidemics in nursing homes, hospitals, care facilities, and other institutions. They are also more common among the homeless because they are more exposed. Humans are not the only mammals that can have scabies. Scabies can also be present in both wild and domesticated dogs and cats, and one could contract it from these animals.