
How to Treat Boils?

Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is also called magnesium sulfate. It is commonly used as a relaxing remedy (to relieve minor aches and pains). However, it can also be used to treat boils. Epsom salts help dry out the pus, causing the boil to release it.

You can dissolve Epsom salt in warm water and soak a compress or cloth in it. Place the compress on the area for 20 minutes at a time. Do this at least three times a day until the boil is gone.

People are advised not to use Epsom salt to treat boils without medical advice because it can lead to other complications. When used wrongly, it can cause swelling of boils, lips, and face, breathing difficulties.

If it is ingested, it can cause stomach upset [2] or diarrhea. [3]