
The Common Treatments for Gonorrhea


Gonorrhea is a bacterial infection most commonly transmitted through sex. It can affect males and females. Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the causal bacterium, usually targets warm, moist areas [1] of the body. The urethra, rectum, vagina, and throat are the most common sites of infection. It may also affect the cervix of females.

Transmission is not only through penetrative sex. Many people who have this bacterium in their throats get it through oral sex. Gonorrhea may also be transmitted through other ways besides sex. Babies born to mothers with this infection may also get it during childbirth. Unlike in adults who develop the infection via sexual transmission, babies born with gonorrhea usually have gonorrhea of the eyes.

Some people who get infected with this bacterium begin to show symptoms within 2 to 14 days [2] of exposure. However, a large percentage of people with gonorrhea never develop any noticeable symptoms at all while the bacterium continues to live within them. This makes them asymptomatic carriers, meaning they can transmit the infection even though they are unaffected by it. Abstinence and proper condom use, even during nonpenetrative sex, are the best ways to protect yourself from this virus. If you decide to have unprotected sex, make sure you are aware of your partner’s health status.

The first sign of gonorrhea in symptomatic patients is often pain or a burning sensation while urinating. In females, early symptoms may be mistaken for yeast or other bacterial infections. When the symptoms advance, they tend to be quite uncomfortable for both males and females.

While the symptoms can be disconcerting, the condition is not without help. Modern antibiotics are effective against most gonorrhea infections. Sadly, there are no home remedies for gonorrhea.