
The Common Treatments for Gonorrhea

How to Treat Gonorrhea in Adults

Adults with gonorrhea are typically treated with antibiotic therapy. Some types of gonorrhea are significantly more difficult to treat than others. This is due to the emergence of strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae that are resistant to common antibiotics. Your doctor will recommend treatments based on the type of infection you have.

If you have normal gonorrhea, your doctor may recommend antibiotic treatment combining ceftriaxone with oral azithromycin (Zithromax) [3]. People who are allergic to cephalosporin antibiotics like ceftriaxone may be prescribed Gemifloxacin or gentamicin with azithromycin. Gentamicin is typically delivered via injections while Gemifloxacin (Factive) is taken orally.

Treatment with antibiotics will cure nonresistant gonorrhea successfully, but it will not reverse [4] any damage the infection has caused. This is why you should get treated as early as you think you might have the infection. If you have throat gonorrhea, you need to get a test-of-cure 7 to 14 days [5] after treatment.