
What is Scabies? – Signs And Symptoms

Rashes or blisters

Rashes are another common symptom of a scabies infestation. The rashes are often shaped like a pimple. Sometimes they resemble hives, insect bite marks, or patches of scaly skin. Blisters also appear on the skin sometimes. The rashes (and the itching) that develop on the skin of people with scabies are caused by the body’s allergic reaction [3] to the presence of these mites and their waste in the skin. The skin does not take kindly to any form of invasion that violates its integrity.

The markings that appear on the skin where the mites burrow into it. These marks often appear between folds and skin cracks, but they may affect nearly anywhere. According to Mayo Clinic, these are the most common sites [4]:

  • The insides of the wrist and between the fingers
  • The insides of the elbows and armpits
  • The knees and soles of the feet
  • The surroundings of the breasts and male genitalia
  • Around the waist and buttocks

In children, the markings are more noticeable on the scalp, soles of the feet, and the palms. It may also affect the face and neck.


The most common sign of an infestation with these mites is intense itching [5]. Your skin may itch at any time of the day, but the itching is usually worse at night. Depending on the severity of the infestation, it can interfere with your sleep and keep you awake scratching your skin at night.