
Common Treatments for Insomnia

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT -I)

The recommended treatment option for chronic insomnia in adults is Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) and it has been approved by many societies and guideline committees as first-line therapy. [4]

CBT-I [5] is a chronic insomnia multi-component treatment that tackles common thoughts and habits that disrupt adequate sleep in sufferers. It is normally delivered over four to eight sessions in person-to-person meeting or group environments; remote delivery (over a call or online session) may also be functional, but there are less robust data to support it effectiveness

CBT-behavioral I’s elements include:

  • Development of a stable seven days per week bed and wake up time
  • Decrease of bedtime to calculate the total estimated hours of sleep (sleep restriction therapy) [6]
  • Sleep hygiene, which involves avoidance of sleep-interfering things, avoidance of naps to optimize sleep drive, and improvement of sleep environment comfort
  • Encourage the use of the bed for sexual and sleep purpose only; strive to sleep only when sleepy; get out of bed if there is anxiety when you are unable to sleep (stimulus control therapy) [7]

Working with a psychologist or psychotherapist
If changing habits and self-help techniques have not worked, you should see a specialist. During the session, you will eliminate not only the symptoms but also fight the causes of insomnia. A psychologist or psychotherapist will teach you how to control irritation, work through negative thoughts, and deal with attitudes that cause sleep disturbances. You will also learn about psychotherapeutic relaxation techniques.