
Symptoms of Sleep Deprivation

Intense tiredness

It is extremely common to feel tired. Most healthy adults and teenagers [8] report feeling tired once in a while. This typically isn’t caused by any serious health condition.

Not getting enough or quality sleep can result in result in intense tiredness and daytime fatigue. Even though most of your body is at rest while you’re asleep, your body still performs a lot of functions that recharge your energy levels and prepare you for the next day. This includes the secretion of hormones that regulate metabolism and memory storage [9].

Maintaining a healthy sleep routine can help prevent tiredness, if you find yourself feeling tired during the day or after waking up from sleep, it is often a sign you did not get quality sleep. If your schedule permits you, go back to bed or try to sleep for longer hours next time.

Not all fatigue is a sign of sleep deprivation. If you’re feeling persistently tired even though you get copious amounts of sleep, it may be a sign there’s a different underlying problem. You should seek medical advice.