
Decoding Lower Abdominal Pain: Common Causes and Effective Treatment

Types of Pain

The cause of abdominal pain can also vary in severity from acute to chronic. Acute causes usually have a transient nature and happen rapidly. These consist primarily of infections and wounds. Prolonged or intermittent chronic pain can be a symptom of chronic illnesses. It is possible for either kind of discomfort to get worse over time. It indicates that the illness is becoming worse. For severe or worsening pain, you should get emergency attention.

While some causes are serious, others are not. It can be challenging to determine from your feelings. Regardless of the cause, it is worthwhile to seek medical attention if your pain is severe or getting worse. A medical professional can look into the source of your pain and assist in relieving it. Even if your chronic pain doesn’t feel particularly terrible, it’s still worth looking into if you’ve had it for a while and don’t know why.