
Gas and Gas Pains: Diagnosis & Treatment

Causes of Intestinal Gas

Intestinal gas can be traced to a number of causes, including:

  • Food digestion: Certain enzymes required for the breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates (sugars) in sweet, starchy, and fibrous foods are absent from your small intestine. This undigested food travels to the large intestine, where it is broken down by non-harmful bacteria to produce gasses like carbon dioxide and hydrogen. Methane gas is also produced by gut microbes in certain individuals. The majority of gas passed during flatulence is caused by this procedure.
  • Swallowing air: Air that contains oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide is swallowed without one even being aware of it when they eat, drink, chew gum, or smoke. Additionally, if your dentures are loose, you run the risk of swallowing too much air. Most people belch, or burp, to release air they’ve swallowed. However, some of the air that you pass when you fart is partially absorbed by your intestines.