
10 Common Treatments for Tendonitis

Home remedies

Tendonitis may not be too severe, and you may not need to visit the doctor. There is some basic home treatment you could adopt to help relieve the pain, speed up your recovery, and help to make sure it doesn’t get worse. These home remedies go by the acronym R.I.C.E. which stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation.


Rest sometime could be all you need as it is primarily essential to tissue healing. Ensure to avoid engaging in activities that could make the pain worse or increase the swelling. You don’t necessarily have to undergo complete bed rest. As much as you shouldn’t try to work through the pain, you can still engage in light activities like swimming.

An ice pack or warm towel

Placing an ice pack or warm towel on the injured part would help alleviate the pain and bring down the swelling. This home remedy is very effective if done the right way. You are not to apply the ice directly to the skin; instead, you wrap it up in a towel and then place it on the skin; the water should not be too hot when applying a warm towel.

Taken warm baths may also help in treating Tendonitis. Applying topical medications such as cream or ointment that heats up the area would also help reduce the inflammation and relieve you of the pain.