What Is Tendonitis?
Tendons are thick cords of inelastic fibrous tissue that connect the muscles to the bones. The tendons facilitate movement and the motion of many parts of the body. These tendons may become inflamed or irritated due to overuse or injury. When this happens, it is known as tendonitis.
Tendons in any part of the body can be affected by tendonitis, although it more frequently affects the shoulders, knees, wrists, elbows, and heels. Heel tendonitis is often called Achilles tendonitis. Common names for different types of tendonitis are golfer’s elbow, tennis elbow, swimmer’s shoulder, and jumper’s knee. You may also hear tendonitis referred to as tendinitis. Both often mean the same thing.
According to the National Bureau of Labor Statistics, tendonitis is a common problem that causes over 70,000 people [1] to miss work every year. Tendonitis often affects athletes and people whose jobs or hobbies require repetitive motions, but it can affect anyone. It is also more frequently seen in adults over the age of 40 [2]. This is because the tendons weaken with age and are more prone to injury.
The condition often causes pain and swelling along the affected tendon. The pain may be chronic or severe and sudden. It is often confused with a muscle strain. The location of the pain help in differentiating them. A muscle strain is felt in the muscles directly while tendonitis pain is closer to the bone. If you have tendonitis, you may experience some or all of the symptoms in this article.