
Simple Exercises for Tennis Elbow

Diagnosis and Treatments

This condition is usually self-diagnosable, but where the symptoms are similar to other conditions, it is best to get a correct diagnosis from a medical professional. Treatment for tennis elbow consists of anti-inflammatories and self-care methods. Adequate rest, pain relievers, and physiotherapy are needed for a speedy and full recovery.

Here are some self-care methods [5] and medications that can help alleviate syndrome of tennis elbow:

  • Cold compress – you can use an ice pack on the affected elbow to reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Elbow strap: Wear a strap to avoid worsening your condition by limiting movement and use of the injured tendon.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs): purchase over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen, naproxen, or aspirin, to improve symptoms.
  • Exercises: some exercises help reduce the stiffness of the muscles and increasing flexibility. Do not undertake any exercise without consulting your doctor. Low impact exercises that are carefully selected are ideal if you do not want to damage the tissue. You can perform these exercises up to three to five times daily.
  • Physical therapy: Getting physical therapy to strengthen and stretch the muscles. Intravenous medication: Your doctor may recommend steroid injections or painkillers for temporary relief to sore and inflamed areas. This treatment method is only temporary and does not aid long-term recovery.