
What is Exposure Therapy? Everything You Need to Know

Types of exposure therapy

The American Psychological Association has confirmed some variations of exposure therapy, which include:

  • Imaginal Exposure: This would involve imagining the thing or situation that causes fear or anxiety. For example, a person who is afraid of dogs might be asked to picture carrying a newborn puppy.
  • In vivo exposure: This involves confronting your fear in real life. For example, someone with arachnophobia may interact with spiders. This must be done in a safe environment.
  • Virtual reality exposure: This involves the use of virtual reality technology to enable one to picture their fear easily. It is mostly used when it is difficult to experience their fear in reality. For example, someone with a fear of height may use a height stimulator.
  • Interoceptive exposure: This exposure triggers a physical sensation to show that it is harmless and has no reason to be feared.