
What is Exposure Therapy? Everything You Need to Know

What is exposure therapy?

Exposure therapy is a special approach or technique used by a therapist to help people overcome their fears and anxieties by confronting them. It works by exposing the person to a stimulus that triggers fear in a safe environment.

For example, a person may find it challenging and experience anxiety [2] when dealing with crowded areas or parties. Exposure therapy would involve gradually exposing the person to these types of social settings, to help them become comfortable in them. The exposure should be done gradually to avoid complications.

There are primary ways that exposure therapy may work, they include:

  • Extinction: This involves unlearning negative associations with a feared object or situation.
  • Emotional Processing: This involves helping the person create realistic beliefs about a feared stimulus.
  • Habitation: This involves constant exposure to a feared stimulus, which gradually decreases your reaction to a feared stimulus.
  • Selfefficacy: Exposure therapy can help you believe that you can overcome your fear and manage your anxiety.