
Is It Normal to Have Cramps Before Period?

The most common causes of cramps before your period

PMS cramping is not the only reason you might feel cramps before your period, there are several other reasons you might end up feeling cramps before periods. Some of these conditions will require extensive care while some are quick and easy to treat. These conditions can range from reproductive problems to pregnancy. Sometimes the pain in your abdomen can be unrelated to your menstrual cycle. Here are the causes of cramps before your period.

    • Endometriosis: Has been discovered to affect as many as 10 percent of reproductive aged females. With Endometriosis you tend to feel pain, it is a condition that occurs when tissue that lines up the uterus starts to grow outside the uterus. It often causes very painful periods for many women, but the pain can start several days beforehand, too.
    • Urinary tract infection: UTI for short and bladder infection can cause pain in your abdomen. This can happen days before your period.
    • Constipation: If you experience cramp before your period. It may also be a sign that you are constipated. Especially if you also feel bloated.
    • Cyst: Ovarian cyst [3] develops on an ovary. Although most cyst go away after treatment. A cyst that remains after ovulation can cause cramp-like pain especially If the cyst starts to leak fluid and naturally resolve, the fluid from the cyst can cause cramping or pelvic discomfort. A simple over-the-counter pain reliever like ibuprofen or acetaminophen may be all you need, if the pain persists, contact your gynecologist [4].
    • Fibroids: These are growths that develop in the uterine wall. These growth can cause pain and cramping.
    • Adenomyosis: Adenomyosis [5] occurs when endometrial tissue from the lining of the uterus begins to grow into the uterine wall. You may not always feel pain when this happens. But some women experience sharp pains in their abdomens during their periods, and some also have chronic pelvic pain that could feel like cramping.
    • Early period: It does happen sometimes that your period comes earlier than the calculated dates. Usually as a result of certain lifestyle changes and other factors such as weight loss, stress, premenopause, and intense exercise. When this happens you may think you are having cramps a week in advance, meanwhile you are already in your period. You will also most likely experience other PMS symptoms too, like headache or fatigue.