
Menstrual Cup: How it Works, Benefits & More

When & how to take out your menstrual cup

How long you can wear your menstrual cup will depend on how heavy your flow is, it is usually between 6 to 12 hours. This implies that you can use a cup for overnight protection. No matter how light your flow is, you shouldn’t wear a menstrual cup for more than 12 hours. Observe it carefully, if it becomes full even before 6 hours, you should empty it immediately to avoid leaks.

Removing your menstrual cup is quite easy. To take out your menstrual cup, follow these steps:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water
  • Place your index finger and thumb into your vagina. Gently pull the stem of the cup until you can reach the base
  • Pinch the base to release the seal and pull down to remove the cup
  • Once you remove it, empty the cup into the sink or toilet