
Ovarian Cyst Back Pain: Is There a Connection?

Medical Treatment for Back Discomfort Caused by an Ovarian Cyst?

Untreated cysts often disappear on their own. For this reason your doctor could advise watchful waiting. This will include routine ultrasound inspection of a cyst to look for any changes in size or appearance.

The following therapies may be suggested when a cyst causes symptoms like lower back pain:

  • Medicines for pain: OTC drugs including acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), and naproxen can be among them (Aleve). A stronger medicine may be prescribed by your doctor if the pain is more intense.
  • Contraceptive tablets: They won’t decrease already-existing cysts but can aid in preventing new cysts from developing.
  • Surgery: A cyst could occasionally require removal through surgery. Laparoscopy (minimally invasive surgery) or laparotomy are frequently used for this (open surgery).