Yeast infection, also called candidiasis, usually refers to vaginal yeast infection. This type of infection affects the vagina and vulva, where it causes uncomfortable symptoms, such as severe itching, irritation, and discharge.
Yeast infection is quite common. Around three out of four women will get this infection at some point in their lives. [1] Many of these women experience up to two times. While not designated an STD, yeast infection may be more likely to happen when a female first begins regular sexual activity. It is also suspected that oral sex may cause or worsen an episode.
This infection is caused by the yeast fungus (candida). This fungus can grow anywhere and is found naturally in the body. Its proliferation is regulated by the immune system and natural microflora so it does not cause an infection. When the population of this fungus explodes, it may cause yeast infection. Vaginal candidiasis may be triggered by several factors, many unrelated to sexual activity. Douching, using birth control pills and hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy and menstruation may trigger an episode. Having high blood sugar also increases your risk of infection.
The symptoms of yeast infection are uncomfortable, but several types of treatment can cure it. This article discusses some effective methods for treating yeast infection. Read on to find out.
Most mild yeast infections can be treated at home by purchasing drugs over the counter. However, if the infection is severe or recurring, you may need to see a doctor who will prescribe more effective treatments for you.