
Bilirubin Test: High vs. Low Levels, What to Know

What Do Your Blood’s Bilirubin Levels Mean?

Bilirubin tests are frequently administered by medical professionals to assess your liver’s condition. A wide range of liver function tests, including the bilirubin test, measure various liver products in your blood. These numbers may show that your liver is having difficulties if they are high or low. However, abnormal bilirubin levels don’t always point to a liver issue. Sometimes it’s in another location.

What Results in Hyperbilirubinemia, or High Bilirubin?

You might have excess bilirubin in your blood if:

  • Too many red blood cells are destroyed by your body too quickly. If you suffer from a blood condition such as hemolytic anemia, which kills red blood cells, you may be overproducing bilirubin.
  • The usual load of bilirubin being processed by your liver is difficult. Your liver may occasionally battle with toxic overload or it may have a chronic liver condition that impairs its functionality.
  • Your biliary system isn’t effectively removing bile. Bile may be backing up and leaking into your bloodstream due to a blockage in your gallbladder or bile ducts.