
Hematocrit Test: What It Is, Levels, High & Low Rang

Purpose of Testing Hematocrit Levels

The synthesis or life cycle of red blood cells can be impacted by a variety of factors. A doctor may find it challenging to diagnose certain diseases as a result. A hematocrit test will be used by a physician to determine whether a patient’s red blood cell count has an impact on their health.

Hematocrit levels are typically assessed by doctors as part of a complete blood count (CBC).

A CBC is made up of several different tests, some of which may be:

  • count of red blood cells
  • reticulocytes count (Young red blood cells)
  • hemoglobin levels analysis
  • an examination of the dimensions and structure of red blood cells
  • testing for white blood cells
  • testing on platelets

Part of what a doctor will put into consideration are a person’s sex, race, and age. It is important to note that certain blood-related conditions, such as sickle-cell anemia, [1] have higher risks of affecting a particular demographic group.