Flossing is an act of dental care that involves ensuring that the spaces between your teeth are clean. Flossing regularly also helps prevent plaque and bacteria build-up, which can lead to gum disease [1] and cavities [2]. Both adults and children should make it a habit to floss regularly. It would be best to have a fixed routine so you don’t easily forget. While it may be easier for adults to remember to floss, you must enforce it for your kids also. You should take your child’s dental hygiene as serious as yours to help prevent any form of dental issues. Visit your dentist to check up regularly to be in full control of your teeth and mouth condition. This would also help prevent dental issues before they occur. Continue reading this article to learn how to build a healthy oral habit with your kids and the importance of flossing.
Importance of flossing in children
Flossing is a major oral hygiene habit [3] and should be done regularly to help prevent certain conditions such as cavities and gum disease. Flossing is not just about removing visible foods from between your child’s teeth. It also involves removing plaques, which can eventually turn into tartar and lead to more serious dental issues.
For flossing to be effective it has to be done properly. Your child may not be able to floss properly until they are 8 to 10 years old. For this reason, you should show and teach them how to do it until they are old enough and you see that they can now do it properly. Proper guidance on how to floss will also help your teeth avoid injuries that may occur from flossing.