
Psoriasis in Kids (Pediatric Psoriasis)

Signs and symptoms of psoriasis in kids

There are different types of psoriasis, each with its own special symptoms. Although there are some more common symptoms of psoriasis, such as:

  • Swollen patches of skin that are red and covered with whitish-silvery scales. This is commonly mistaken for diaper rash in infants.
  • Dry skin that bleeds easily
  • Itchiness
  • Soreness in the affected area
  • Red areas in skin folds
  • You may experience different nail changes, such as:
    • Thick and pitted fingernails
    • Deep ridges in nails
    • Yellowing and thickening of the nails
    • Detachment of the nail from its bed

Psoriasis in children tends to show up first on the scalp. It is also common for it to affect the nails.

Psoriasis is a chronic condition, which means all the signs may never go away completely. The condition also cycles through a period of active and less active times.

Your child will experience more symptoms during active times. Within a few weeks, the symptoms may improve.

You may also experience flare-ups, following an illness. But it is difficult to know how severe the symptoms will be once the cycle begins.