
When Do Babies See Color?

Eye-Body Coordination and How to Know If Your Child Is Color Blind

Following the development of color vision and focus, babies start to move towards the object they focus on between the fifth and eight month. They begin to crawl when they are about seven or eight months old and this helps them to further develop eye-body coordination.

Babies who crawled a lot before walking might develop eye-body coordination [4] more than babies who barely crawled before walking.

Color blindness [5] is the inability to identify colors. It’s a genetic disease and it is mostly seen in male children. In this condition, you can still see colors, but not all of them. Colors like red and green are difficult to identify. In severe conditions like achromatopsia [6], only grey color can be identified.

If your child is color blind, you will not find it easy to know until they are grown up. This is because they are unable to communicate at that age. When your child is grown up enough to identify things, but still find it difficult to identify colors is an indication that your child might be color blind.

Some of the symptoms of color blindness may be

  • Finding it difficult to identify the colors of the traffic light after constant learning
  • Increased sensitivity to light
  • Poor vision

If your child shows any of these symptoms, make sure you visit the optician for observations. If you are color blind or there is a history of color blindness in the family, this also increases the risk of color blindness in your child.

Color blindness however does not affect how sharp the vision is. Your child’s ability to focus together with depth perception are not usually affected. The only problem with this condition is the ability to perceive colors.