
Does Chewing Gum Help Your Jawline – Facts to Know

Does Chewing Gum Help You Lose Fat in Your Jawline or Make Your Jawline More Muscular?

By making you lose fat in your jawline, it also implies making your jawline sharper and more defined. Although chewing may help you strengthen your facial muscles, it is unlikely to reduce fat deposit on your face and neck. This is because the muscles used for chewing are largely in the neck and cheeks.  If you are looking to lose fat in your jawline, you should depend more on dietary changes and certain exercise to experience noticeable changes. You can discuss with your doctor or physiotherapist on exercise that can help lose fat in your jawline.

Your jawline won’t get bigger or more muscular by just chewing gum. This is again because most of the muscles used in chewing gum are not in the jaw. Discuss with your doctor or physiotherapist if you are looking to get your jawline bigger and more muscular.