
What Fills the Cavity after a Hysterectomy?

Other Factors to Consider

If you want to undergo a hysterectomy, you must consider certain factors. It would help to speak with your doctor to help you make the right decisions. Some important factors to consider include:

  • If your ovaries are removed before you reach menopause, you will go into it after surgery. An oophorectomy procedure can make you prone to heart conditions, urinary incontinence, and bone loss.
  • Your sex drive may increase or reduce after the procedure. 9n most cases, you begin to enjoy sex more after the procedure. Most diseases that need a hysterectomy for treatment lead to sexual dysfunction.
  • If your ovaries are not removed after a hysterectomy, you can still reach menopause some years before the normal age. This is because the rate of hormone synthesis reduces.
  • In some cases, your ability to get stimulated sexually may reduce after a hysterectomy. This is often caused by low-intense orgasms, vaginal dryness, and decreased feeling during sex. According to experts, vaginal dryness can also be caused by oophorectomy [6].