
Essentials for Life with Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) 

Home Pain Management

Both conventional and integrative techniques can be used to reduce HS discomfort at home. They consist of:

OTC Medications for Pain Relief

Ibuprofen is an example of an NSAID [2] that can reduce the pain and inflammation brought on by HS. Lidocaine-containing numbing creams, for example, may also lessen the pain associated with breakouts.


Curcumin, a component of turmeric, lessens inflammation. A tablespoon can be steeped in hot water to make tea or it can be combined with a carrier oil, like coconut oil, and applied directly to sensitive regions.

You can also think about incorporating a zinc supplement into your everyday routine. Research suggests zinc helps lessen inflammation and speed up wound healing, but more proof is still needed.


When applied immediately, a warm compress can aid in lowering the swelling and irritation of an HS lesion. To lessen pain, try applying dry heat from a heating pad or hot water bottle to the nodule’s site. You can use a warmed towel or a steeped tea bag on the location if dry heat isn’t accessible.

Localized discomfort may be relieved by cold compresses. Some people find that ice at the sore area, cold baths, or cold wraps are the most effective pain relievers.