
Why Do I Get So Hot When I Sleep?

Pre Sleep-Related Activities

Your body temperature could likely rise as a result of the activities you engage in before bed, which would make it harder to fall asleep.

  • Exercise: In fact, a 2018 research review found that evening exercise had the opposite effect of being detrimental to sleep. However, if severe exercise is finished within one hour of bedtime, sleep onset may be hampered.
  • Caffeine: Caffeine consumption right before bedtime is well known to make it hard to fall asleep. A tiny study published in 2014 found that caffeine raises core body temperature and improves mental attentiveness.
  • Stressful activities: Your blood vessels close down while you’re under stress. According to a 2015 study with animals, this behavior lowers your skin temperature and raises your internal body temperature.
  • Sex: The release of hormones that encourage relaxation during sex can enhance the quality of sleep. However, intense sex that increases heart rate may have a similar impact to exercise.