
What Is Lung Volume Reduction Surgery?

What to Expect from LVRS?

Before undergoing lung volume reduction surgery, patients must be evaluated by a specialist (pulmonologist or thoracic surgeon). Some of the test done before the operation include pulmonary function tests, six-minute-walk test, arterial blood gas, CT scans of the lungs, electrocardiography (ECG) [4], echocardiogram and cardiopulmonary exercise test (exercise test performed on a treadmill or stationary bike to assess cardiac and pulmonary function).

The surgery is done under general anesthesia, which means you are given drugs to keep you asleep and placed under a breathing machine throughout the procedure. There are several approaches or techniques in which your surgeon may use. Some of which include;

  • One way, in respect to median sternotomy, the surgeon makes an incision through the skin and bone in the middle of the cheat to get to the lung.
  • Another approach is the use of video-assisted thoracoscopy. This involves the surgeon making multiple small incisions on both sides of the chest and using the video and surgical instruments to perform the surgery.
  • Another technique, called a thoracotomy, involves making an incision between the ribs on the side of the chest and separating the ribs to get access to the lungs.

Patients are observed in the hospital for some days, it is termed post-operation time. This is to observe if there’s any underlying health and any possible complications that may happen during surgery.