
10 Best Dog Breeds for Seniors

Over the years, we get older and have more and more difficulties taking care of ourselves. Getting around is difficult, memory is weaker and learning is slower, however, this is no reason to be left behind the advantages of life. The elderly, just like anyone else, should also enjoy the pleasures of everyday life, and one of them is having a puppy.

It may seem crazy to give an animal to an older person, after all, taking care of a pet takes some work. However, having a dog has numerous benefits [1]. It stimulates physical exercises, improves the emotional, activates the psychological, and promotes socialization, in addition to serving as a daily companion. Purchasing a dog has become advantageous, both physically and psychologically, for the elderly.

Before deciding whether or not to own a pet, you need to choose the best breed. The important thing is to know which dog will meet the person’s needs. There are numerous types of animals, and for sure one will suit the environment and the elderly. So, get to know the 10 most suitable breeds for those;


Who has never seen a Pug [2] on the street? With an unmistakable expression, this dog can reach up to 30 centimeters in length. They are highly recommended for the elderly as they adapt easily to any environment and lifestyle, are attached to the owner, and excellent company.

The breed is also one of the most intelligent among dogs, being a great acquisition. Other than that, hair care is minimal: the pugs are rarely shorn, do not need much bathing, and need little brushing. The only disadvantage is the breed’s breathing problems.