
8 Common Symptoms of Anemia

Pale or Yellowish Skin

Anemia may cause pale skin or pale coloring inside the lower eyelids of an individual. This condition is due to the low levels of hemoglobin in the body. Hemoglobin is responsible for giving the blood its color, so low amounts can cause pale looking skin.

The pale or yellowish skin may be observable in all parts of the body, and it may also be limited to a specific region. Examples of areas that may appear pale include gums, face, nails, and inside the lips or lower eyelids.

When diagnosing anemia due to iron deficiency, doctors may check for skin color in those areas. It may also be confirmed by performing a blood test on the individual. Pale or yellowish skin can be self-diagnosed. An individual can check for pale skin by pulling down the lower eyelid and observing its color. The vibrant red color should be observed if the skin is in good form.