
Anemia – Diagnosis and Treatments

Anemia is strictly characterized by a reduction in red blood cells (RBC). The capacity of the RBC is to convey oxygen to the tissues from the lungs and carbon dioxide to the lungs from the tissues. This is done by utilizing hemoglobin (Hb), a tetramer protein made out of heme and globin. In anemia, a decline in the quantity of RBCs shipping oxygen and carbon dioxide weakens the body’s capacity for gas exchange. The decline may result from blood loss, increased annihilation of RBCs (hemolysis [1]), or diminished creation of RBCs. Symptoms of anemia include shortness of breath, headaches, fatigue, dizziness, yellow or pale skin etc.


To check for anemia, the doctor would most likely ask questions relating to your family’s medical history, take a physical exam and perform the following tests:

    • COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT [2] (CBC): A CBC test is used to calculate the amount of blood cells from a sample of your blood. The doctor will want to know the levels of red blood cells that are your blood (hematocrit [3]) contains and the hemoglobin content in your blood. The hematocrit values [4] in a normal, regular adult vary between medical practices but are usually 35% to 47% for women and 40% and 52% for men. In the case of hemoglobin values in an adult, it ranges between 12 to 16 grams per deciliter for women and 14 to 18 grams per deciliter for men.
    • A test is conducted for the determination of the shape and size of your red blood cells. The red blood cells are examined and checked for any irregularities in shape, size and color.