
6 Common Treatments for Osteoarthritis

Physical activity

Exercise is one of the best ways to treat osteoarthritis. This may seem counterintuitive since pain from this condition usually intensifies when you use your joints, but it works. Frequently exercising can help relieve pain and reduce the damage taking place in your joints. It can also help you lose weight faster. Weight loss is another potent osteoarthritis treatment.

There are many types of exercises you can do if you have osteoarthritis. According to Arthritis Foundation, the best and least demanding exercises are walking [2] and water aerobics [3]. Both exercises are incredibly good for the joints and can be performed by people who have difficulty lifting their weights. Water aerobics can be performed by non-swimmers. Both exercises are also good for cardiovascular health.

If you’re able to do more, experts recommend stretching and strength training exercises. Stretches can help increase your flexibility and lubricate your joints. They also help increase your range of motion, something osteoarthritis usually limits. Stretch exercises don’t have to be complicated. Your doctor may recommend simple exercises for you.

Strength training helps you build muscle and protects your joints. It is a bit more demanding than the others and may involve push-ups, pull-ups, or weight-lifting.