
Top 9 Bloody Stool Causes

Colon or Rectal Cancer

Abnormal cells known as cancer can develop in the colon or rectum, which is located at the lower end of your digestive tract. It may begin as non-cancerous lumps but can deteriorate to cancer. This condition often has no symptoms but can only be detected through a medical examination. Colon or rectal cancer develops in people of all ages, but persons over the age of fifty are at a significantly higher risk of developing cancerous cells in these organs.

Medical experts usually recommend laboratory screenings for persons within this age group who are experiencing the symptoms. Bleeding in the rectum or colon may be a sign of a more serious condition like colon or rectal cancer. Visit your doctor to get the correct diagnosis of your condition.

The severity of your symptoms is dependent on the size and location of the polyps. The common symptoms of this condition include changes in bowel habits, changes in stool consistency, bloody stools, and abdominal aches.