
10 Effective Treatments for a Rotator Cuff Injury

What causes a rotator cuff injury?

Rotator cuff injuries usually occur due to tears or strains in any of the muscles. The major causes of tears or strains include:

  • Overuse
  • Wear and tear over time
  • Acute injury

Rotator cuff injuries can either be mild or severe. They usually fall into one of two groups: tendinopathy (chronic) or tendonitis (acute). They usually occur when you overuse the rotator cuff muscles. This causes inflammation and irritation in the rotator cuff muscles. The tendons that connect the muscles to bones may overstretch during physical activities and tear, completely or partially.

Rotator cuff injuries are common in painters who have to reach upwards to do their jobs and tennis players who use an overhead serve. The rotator cuff can also be torn or strained after a car accident, fall, or sudden injury. These injuries may cause immediate and intense pain.