
Bone Spurs (Osteophytes) – Cause, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment and More

Symptoms of Bone Spurs

You might not discover you have a bone spur until you get an X-ray to check it out and to rule out another condition. Bone spurs are sometimes harmless, only when they press against tendons, nerves, or other body parts can they become problematic. As a result, you might experience any of the following:

  • Symptomatic joint pain
  • Inability to bend or move the injured joint without experiencing pain or stiffness
  • Arms or legs that are weak, numb, or tingly if the bone spur presses on spinal nerves.
  • weakness, cramps, or spasms of the muscles
  • Under-skin bumps, primarily found in the hands and fingers
  • A very rare symptom is having difficulty regulating your bladder or intestines if the bone spur presses on specific spinal nerves.

Exercise or attempting to move the injured joint could make your symptoms worse. A bone spur may separate and become lodged in the joint lining. We refer to this as a “loose body.” The joint may become locked and difficult to move as a result.