
Causes and Risk Factors of Toxoplasmosis

Toxoplasmosis during Pregnancy

Toxoplasmosis can occur when T. gondii is transmitted from the mother to the child during pregnancy. In this case, it is called congenital toxoplasmosis. It usually occurs when the mother comes in contact with the parasite during the pregnancy or three months before conception.

It would help to know that getting infected while pregnant does not mean your baby will be infected. According to studies, the risks of transmitting the condition to your baby during pregnancy is usually low during the early weeks of the first trimester. The risk increases as the pregnancy progresses.

The risk of transmitting the disease increases from 60% to 80% by the third trimester. In rare cases, T.gondii can be transmitted during prejudice if the mother has been previously infected. Transmission of the infection during pregnancy mostly occurs in women with HIV. Studies show that bradyzoites can regenerate and become infectious in women who have been previously infected. The risk of transmitting the condition also increases when the immune system is compromised.