
Infected Belly Button Piercing: Treatment, Symptoms, and More

What are the symptoms of an infected belly button piercing?

New piercings usually have some discoloration, redness, or swelling. Some people experience clear discharge that dries up after a while to form a crystal-like crust around the site. Symptoms of an infected belly button get better after a while.

According to research, the most experienced side effects of belly button infections are allergic reactions and bacterial infections.

Bacterial infections are caused by the invasion of bacteria from foreign items or dirt. It is important to know that piercings are open wounds and must be kept clean at all times.

You may experience the following signs of infection:

  • Vomiting, stomach pain [1], chills, or dizziness
  • Serious swelling with redness and pain
  • Red lines that come out of the piercing site
  • Brown, gray, green, or yellow discharge that smells bad.

It is important that your piercer is approved by the Association of Professional Piercers (APP). The shop must be hygienic and your piercer must use sterilized instruments.