
Lower Back Pain Exercises

Walking, Swimming and Biking

Walking is a safe form of exercise to relieve lower back pain. [3] Patients suffering from lumbago should steer clear of high-intensity activities that can stress the low back muscles. Walking at a steady pace for up to fifteen minutes twice per day can significantly improve symptoms of this condition.

Swimming engages the core muscles in the body without putting excessive stress on the lower back. It is a low-impact exercise for those suffering from lumbago. [4] This exercise should not be performed every day, twice or thrice a week is good enough. It is best to swim at a low pace to prevent further complications.

Biking is a type of aerobic exercise that is safe to do if you are experiencing lower back pain. [5] It is one of the safest aerobics for patients suffering from this condition because it doesn’t exert much pressure on the muscles located in the lower back area.