
Lower Back Pain Exercises

Wall Sits

Patients suffering from lower back pain may find it difficult to stand up straight, so will be seated most of the time. You can choose to take a break from sitting with this type of exercise. [6] Wall sits help to build strength in the lower body starting from the back. It has similar effects with squats but does not exert pressure on the lower back. Ensure that you perform this exercise under the supervision of an expert trainer so that you do not worsen symptoms of your lower back pain.


  1. Stand up with your back facing the wall and slide down carefully to take a false sitting position.
  2. Ensure that your buttocks are at a significant distance from the ground with your back leaning against the wall.
  3. Keep your knees bent and slowly press your lower back into the wall.
  4. Maintain this position for up to seconds.
  5. Repeat for up to ten times for the best results