
Seasonal Allergies Signs, Symptoms & Treatments


There are many types of medications for seasonal allergies. These range from over-the-counter to prescription medications. You usually only need prescription medications for allergies that are unresponsive to over-the-counter drugs. Some medications for seasonal allergies include:

Oral antihistamines & Combination drugs

Antihistamines [5] help relieve allergy symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, itching, and watery eyes. Common oral histamines you can get include loratadine, fexofenadine, and cetirizine. These drugs work by counteracting the effects of histamine on receptor sites. Histamines are released by the immune system during allergic reactions and trigger many of the symptoms you typically experience. Sometimes treatments combine different types of allergy medications [6]. This could be using an antihistamine with a decongestant. Some common combination medications include Claritin-D and Allegra-D. Claritin-D is a combination of loratadine and pseudoephedrine, while Allegra-D is a combination of fexofenadine and pseudoephedrine.