
What Is the Proximal Nail Fold?

Paronychia (nail infection)

This is a type of inflammation of the nail that results from physical trauma, infection, or irritation. When bacteria enter a broken skin near the cuticle and nail fold, it causes this infection. This infection affects the tissue adjacent to the fingernail and causes hangnail, cuticle damage, or continuously wet hands. The acute type of this infection is caused by bacteria staphylococcus and enterococcus and develops quickly from biting, manicures, and biting.

Chronic paronychia results from working constantly with water. The categories of people that often experience these infections are dishwashers, and bartenders. It allows yeast and bacteria to grow underneath the fingers and toes. It develops slowly compared to the acute type of this infection. People with some health condition prior to this infection are advised to see the doctor immediately if any of the symptoms are noticed. Some of the health conditions are diabetes [7], high blood pressure, and kidney or liver disease.