
8 Home Remedies for Vertigo

Semont-Toupet Maneuver

You can treat vertigo at home with a similar combination of movements known as the Semont-Toupet procedure. Although this tactic is not popular, some researchers contend that it is equally successful. Although the Semont-Toupet maneuver demands less neck flexibility than the Epley Maneuver, they are remarkably comparable.

  • Start by assuming an upright position on a flat surface, placing a pillow behind you, and extending your legs.
  • When lying down, turn to your right and look upward while looking to your left side.
  • Quickly sit up and turn to your left side while maintaining a left-facing stance. Now your gaze will be directed toward the ground.
  • Slowly take a seat upright and face forward as you return to your starting posture.