
Pre-Stroke Facts: Signs, Causes & More

How Does a Pre-Stroke Differ From a Stroke?

The symptoms of a stroke and a pre-stroke are virtually the same, so it is difficult to tell them apart while they are ongoing. The major differences between them are the duration of the attack and the impact on the body.

A pre-stroke lasts a short time. It also does not cause any permanent damage. A stroke lasts a much longer time. Even though both strokes and pre-strokes are triggered by a disruption in blood flow within the brain, strokes tend to cause permanent damage.

The two types of major strokes are ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes [4]. Ischemic strokes are caused by a blockage in brain blood vessels that interrupts blood supply. The lack of blood and oxygen causes some brain cells to die. Most times a clot is responsible for this blockage. Hemorrhagic strokes are caused by excessive bleeding from a rupture in the blood vessels. This prevents blood and oxygen from circulating in the right places. Brain tissues around the leakage also die due to blood spilling into them. Hemorrhagic strokes are more life-threatening. During a pre-stroke, the disruption clears before any serious damage is done.