
The Most Common Symptoms of Bronchitis

Bronchitis Symptoms in Children and Adults

There are possibilities for the development of bronchitis, both in children and adults. However, in children, the most common cause of bronchitis is a virus. Meanwhile, please note that children with the condition usually experience the same symptoms as adults. However, very young children may also experience gagging or vomiting when they cough.


Acute and Chronic Bronchitis

In most cases, acute bronchitis develops after a bacterial or viral infection. However, there are other irritants like dust, fumes, smoke, which may cause acute bronchitis. Moreover, the acute bronchitis symptoms subside after a period of seven to ten days. Most times, individuals may cough for several weeks.

In cases of chronic bronchitis, it implies that the individual is continually experiencing recurrent attacks of bronchitis. In other words, it is described as having a productive cough. Please note that a productive cough means a cough that occurs with the production of mucus. Besides, this productive cough lasts for a minimum of three months, with consistent happenings for a minimum of two years. [2]

More than 80 percent of all cases of chronic bronchitis is due to smoking. There are some happenings where people with frequent episodes of acute bronchitis develop chronic bronchitis. [3]