
What Causes Bursitis?

Vigorous Physical Activity that Involves the Joint

For years, vigorous exercises are favored by many people as it helps lose more calories, protect against diabetes, and improve overall cardiovascular health. However, it can have side effects on people with bursitis. Bursitis is often caused by strenuous or repeated physical activities like jogging, fast walking, rope-jumping, bicycling, and freestyle laps swimming. When people perform heavy activities, joints are often placed in an extreme condition, especially if the activity involves repetitive movements. An example is weight lifting. In this case, the extreme support of the heavy load by the use of the elbow joint can subsequently lead to the development of elbow bursitis. Another example is the runner’s knee, which is an aching pain that happened around the kneecap or at the front of the knees. Patellofemoral pain syndrome is commonly associated with bursitis. The overuse of knees could cause soft tissue irritation and bursa inflammation, leading to knee bursitis. Therefore, it is highly suggested to exercise your joints properly and maintain a healthy fitness regimen.