
Breast Cancer – Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention

Major Causes of Breast Cancer

The precise cause of breast cancer is not fully known. However, there are some factors that increase the tendency of having this condition. These factors include:

  • Presence of breast cancer genes: about 5-10% of breast cancer are inherited from parents and this is because of the presence of BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes.
    • BRCA1: this gene belongs to the tumor suppressor gene. This gene majorly helps to regulate cell division and prevents cells from growing without control. Mutations of this gene cause a defect which causes the cells to uncontrollably grow and lead to the formation of a tumor. 72% of women with an inherited mutation of this gene are liable to have breast cancer.
    • BRCA2: this gene plays a major role in the stability of genetic information. This is also a tumor suppressor gene. It reacts with specific proteins to repair broken or damaged DNA. However mutation of this gene is a factor for about 68% of breast cancer around the world.
    • There are other forms of breast cancer related genes such as: STK11, NBN, CDH1, ATM and PTEN.
  • Age: the chances of having this medical condition increases as one grows older. The higher the age, the higher the tendency of breast cancer. The most invasive breast cancers are most noticed or diagnosed from the age of 55 and above.
  • Family history: having a family member be it the mother, grandmother, sister or aunty who has experienced breast cancer, increases the risk of getting this illness. However, for some individuals, family history may not be the cause of the condition.
  • Never being pregnant: people who have never experienced pregnancy or have never carried a full term pregnancy are also at a high risk of having breast cancer.
  • Medications: the usage of postmenopausal estrogen and progesterone drugs in order to reduce the symptoms of menopause [2] may have negative effects which increase the risk of this medical issue.
  • Dense breast: the reading of mammograms for those with dense breasts is more difficult. Therefore, it does not allow for the quick diagnosis of this condition and makes it life-threatening for the individual.
  • Radiation treatment: undergoing a radiation treatment around the chest area before the age of 30 also puts an individual at the risk of breast cancer.
  • Drinking alcohol.
  • Starting the menstrual flow early.
  • Treatment of a previous cancer.